
seed oysters

Sandbar Oyster Company offers seed oysters raised from larvae of wild oyster populations settling on Oyster Catcher™ materials deployed to intertidal environments.  Settled spat are allowed to grow to a desired size, at which point, they are shed from the Oyster Catcher™ at sizes up to ~1.5 inches that reduce growers’ gear needs, growing time to market, and risk of mortality.

Importantly, there is a traceability benefit associated with oysters shed from Oyster Catcher™ substrates - a small chip of the cement binder embedded in their bottom valve near the hinge.  This chip remains embedded and semi-exposed in the shell for months to years.  When the cement binder is dyed, the cement chip is conspicuous, and other identifying agents, such as colored sands, can be added to the cement to uniquely brand multiple different batches of oysters.